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BT Manchester Staff |
www.btmrstaff.co.uk |
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Farewell Alan Jones | |
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Hi From BT MR Staff, | |
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Harry Bannister contacted us with the sad news of Al's death
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One of my oldest pals, Al Jones, aka Scarf/AJ passed away on the 17th December after a long illness. Most will know him from his early days in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s spent in Dial House Carrier and his latter management days spent in the NOU in Manchester.
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Alan and his family moved to Yorkshire after leaving BT, the funeral service will their home area.
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Since his wife is unsure of how many will be attending and would like to provide sufficient refreshments for all, if you are thinking of attending I’d be grateful if you contacted me beforehand on my email address on my profile, or via the contact page on the website.
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If you have problems getting in touch, then just turn up anyway, I’m sure there will be enough for all.
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Alan's funeral arrangements:
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Monday February 3rd at 11.00am
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Babworth Crematorium
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Straight Mile
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Babworth Rd
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DN22 8FJ
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Message dated: Thu 16 Jan 2020 | |
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