BT's main website - Sort out your phone/broadband or apply for jobs here www.bt.com |
**NEW** BT Pension website - Sort out your pension problems here www.btps.co.uk |
BT Sharesave website - BT employee Sharesave and Allshare website. Current shareprice is: 150.55. www.esp-portal.com |
Equinity Shareview website - Wholly owned BT shares could be listed here. Current shareprice is: 150.55. portfolio.shareview.co.uk |
MANCASS - Manchester Area Sports and Social Club www.mancass.com |
Light Straw - Remember all that light yellow coloured equipment? It's all grey now, wait a minute wasn't it grey originally? www.lightstraw.co.uk |
Telephone Exchanges - Loads of photos and information about exchanges around the UK. Can you add to it? www.Telephone-exchanges.org.uk |